I recently starting working on making my own WordPress plugins. The twitter feeds you see on this site are a result of that – I creatively call it Elegant Tweets. When I starting working on Ascendly, I wanted to make further use of plugins, so as practice, I tried to polish up my first plugin and share it with everyone. Although I want to add more features, it does work as-in, and does not have any known bugs, so enjoy.
This plugin allows you to configure the tweet stream the way you want it. Specifically, it creates a widget for use in your themes that will display zero or more tweet feeds. You can, for example, add your own Twitter username, but, more uniquely, you can also have certain Twitter feeds show based upon the categories assigned to the current page being viewed.
Motivation: I developed this plugin because I occasionally make apps for the mobile phones. Some of my apps have their own Twitter account to announce things like updates. I wanted visitors to my website see my primary feed (@jjrohrer), but to also see the feeds for the apps, but only if they were on pages related to those apps. Now, my posts that relate to a certain app are assigned to a category related to that app. So, when a user views a page, they will see several Twitter streams depending upon which categories are in view.